

Godot Style</h3>

A small Godot addon that provides unofficial style guide in the editor

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Installation
  3. Materials
  4. Contribute
  5. License
## About The Project ![Godot Style Screenshot 1](/GodotStylePlugin/addons/godot_style/pictures/godot_style.gif) ### Built With

### Version: Godot 4.1 - A personal project to learn the powerful Godot Engine - Aiming at: - Beginners who want to follow a prevalent style guide to develop good practices - Beginners who want to learn more about Godot's `Resource` ### More details 1. It makes use of `custom Resources`, which helps to quickly create new `SectionResources` and `ItemResources`. 2. It's very scuffed lol. - ~~Items can only contain pictures (Texture2D) as a quick and easy alternative - because I haven't a clue how to implement **markdown** in Godot. As a result,~~ - ~~Updating contents frequently can be cumbersome.~~ - ~~Limited capabilities~~ - ~~Resizing the editor will not scale the pictures to maintain visibility -> Have to use scroll bars~~ - Scuffed **Markdown** implementation (Converting to BBCode for `RichTextLabel` and custom `Controls` - using [RegEx](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_regex.html)) - [x] Most basic and widely used syntax - [ ] Lists (ordered and unordered) - prove difficult because lists in Markdown and BBCode are quite different - [ ] HTML tags - none yet - Lacking UI elements helping to add new contents - partly because I want users to interact with the provided custom resources 3. The style guide provided ([STYLE_GUIDE.md](/GodotStylePlugin/STYLE_GUIDE.html)) is a simplified composition of parts of different [materials](#materials). 4. There are two script templates located in [script_templates](script_templates). To integrate them into your project or editor, please refer to [Creating script templates](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/creating_script_templates.html). ### Customization - You can add your own `SectionResources` and `ItemResources` - please refer to [ADDING_YOUR_OWN.md](/GodotStylePlugin/ADDING_YOUR_OWN.html)

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## Installation ### Using Godot Asset Library - In-editor `AssetLib` 1. Search for `Godot Style` in Godot's in-editor `AssetLib` and press download 2. Enable the addon in `Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins` ![Enabling-addon](/GodotStylePlugin/addons/godot_style/pictures/enable_addon.PNG) - Online 1. Dowload the ZIP archive from [link](https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/2038). 2. Import the folder `godot_style/` into your Godot project's `addons/` folder (Godot v4.1). 3. Enable the addon in `Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins` ### Manually 1. Clone the repo OR download and extract the ZIP archive. ```sh git clone https://github.com/VinhPhmCng/GodotStylePlugin.git ``` 2. Import the folder `godot_style/` into your Godot project's `addons/` folder (Godot v4.1). 3. Enable the addon in `Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins`

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## Materials 1. [GDScript style guide](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_styleguide.html) 2. [GDScript reference](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_basics.html#doc-gdscript) 3. [GDQuest' guidelines](https://gdquest.gitbook.io/gdquests-guidelines/godot-gdscript-guidelines) 4. [Calinou's style guide](https://github.com/Calinou/godot-style-guide) 5. [emarino135's Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/yngda3/gdstyle_naming_convention_and_code_order_cheat/) 6. [sepTN's post](https://godot.community/topic/27/gdscript-coding-conventions-best-practices-for-readable-and-maintainable-code)

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## Contribute - Any contribution is much appreciated, especially regarding **Markdown** integration into Godot. - I highly recommend beginners who is learning programming in general, or Godot specifically, to make contributions if you'd like to. - For example, you can add more style guide items that you think would help other beginners. - Open PR to improve the addon.

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## License [MIT License](/GodotStylePlugin/LICENSE) © [VPC](https://github.com/VinhPhmCng)

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